Ceremonialne kakao - Santa Medicina

Ceremonial Cacao – Heart Medicine

What is Ceremonial Cacao? Ceremonial cacao is more than just a ritual or the ceremony of its consumption. The uniqueness of cacao bearing this name begins much earlier, from: the proper selection of cacao varieties, the proper cultivation, strictly adhered-to processing procedures of the obtained beans. All these elements take on additional significance if we…

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Ceremonialne Kakao przepisy

Recipes – ceremonial cocoa

About what ceremonial cacao is, what it contains, and how it differs from classic cacao, you can read in our previous article https://drpruszak.com/blog/ceremonialne-kakao/ How to prepare classic ceremonial cacao? It is generally assumed that a serving of ceremonial cacao should contain from 36 to 50 g of paste. However, it is advisable to start your…

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