
Ayahuasca – what is it, can it really help us and what are the risks?

You may have come across stories of people traveling to America to experience ayahuasca ceremonies. Usually, these anecdotes focus on immediate, highly intense, and moving effects that occur during the ayahuasca journey and in the near future after the ceremony. Many of these stories may intrigue and also cause concern, which in turn translates into…

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Ceremonialne Kakao przepisy

Recipes – ceremonial cocoa

About what ceremonial cacao is, what it contains, and how it differs from classic cacao, you can read in our previous article https://drpruszak.com/blog/ceremonialne-kakao/ How to prepare classic ceremonial cacao? It is generally assumed that a serving of ceremonial cacao should contain from 36 to 50 g of paste. However, it is advisable to start your…

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Ceremonialne kakao - Santa Medicina

Ceremonial Cacao – Heart Medicine

What is Ceremonial Cacao? Ceremonial cacao is more than just a ritual or the ceremony of its consumption. The uniqueness of cacao bearing this name begins much earlier, from: the proper selection of cacao varieties, the proper cultivation, strictly adhered-to processing procedures of the obtained beans. All these elements take on additional significance if we…

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Meridian Wonder: The Mysterious History, Properties, and Applications

Meridian Wonder: The Mysterious History, Properties, and Applications Meridian Wonder, also known as Energy Meridians, have been a crucial element of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This article will uncover the mysterious history, properties, and applications of Meridian Wonder from a medical perspective. Let’s take a scientific and professional look at these fascinating elements of…

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SadhuPress™ FOREST BOARD: The Path to Inner Balance and Relaxation

SadhuPress™ FOREST BOARD: The Path to Inner Balance and Relaxation Introduction In today’s hectic world, where the pace of life often overwhelms our bodies and minds, seeking relaxation and energetic harmony has become incredibly important. Living in constant rush, tension, and stress can negatively affect our physical and emotional health. Therefore, discovering a product like…

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