Mateusz Pruszowski

Szałas potów, szalas potu temazcal

The Magical Sweat Lodge, Temazcal: What Is This Ritual, How It Works, and Its HEALTH BENEFITS

The Magical Sweat Lodge, Temazcal: What Is This Ritual, How It Works, and Its HEALTH BENEFITS   What is the sweat lodge, this magical ritual? The sweat lodge, also known as the Native American sauna or temazcal, is a small dome-shaped structure made from natural materials such as branches and stones. It is used to…

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Kroniki Akaszy: Sieć energetyczno-informacyjna, która nas otacza

Akashic Records: The Energy-Informational Network That Surrounds Us

Akashic Records: The Energy-Informational Network That Surrounds Us   What Are the Akashic Records? The Akashic Records (Akasha, from Sanskrit meaning ether) are the primordial substance of the cosmos, an energy-informational network, that surrounds us. In this energetic field, all information is stored – every experienced past, present, and future potential. This cosmic memory literally…

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Akupunktura: Co to jest, jak działa i kiedy ją stosować

Acupuncture: What It Is, How It Works, and When to Use It

Acupuncture: What It Is, How It Works, and When to Use It General Information About Acupuncture Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific body points. It is most commonly used for pain treatment but can also be used to treat other conditions such…

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