16 Signs You Need to Grow Up. How to Achieve Success?

16 Oznak tego, że powinieneś dorosnąć. Jak osiągnąć sukces?

16 Signs You Need to Grow Up. How to Achieve Success?

We often encounter adult children. These are typically individuals who think and behave as if they never matured beyond high school. It’s a sad reality because as I contemplate strategies for personal success, a recurring theme is simple: if one cannot shake off the attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs from childhood, they cannot succeed.

If you want to succeed in life, it’s important to behave appropriately for your age and not act like a child. This doesn’t mean you have to be serious all the time, but it means you need to be mature and responsible for your life. Childish antics may seem harmless, even amusing, but they can quickly wear thin on those around you. More importantly, behaving like a child can hinder goal achievement. Every time you act immaturely, you send a signal that you’re not ready or willing to take on the challenges of adulthood. As a result, doors that could otherwise open for us may close. So if you want to succeed, behave like the adult you are.

If you want to know whether you still behave like a child and if that’s the reason why you can’t achieve maximum success, read below:

1. You think popularity is more important than honesty.

Popularity is childishly simple, yet so many adults treat social status as the key to personal significance. In the process, they often sacrifice honesty, loyalty, and basic manners. When you prioritize popularity, you distance yourself from success. Popularity may boost the number of likes on social media, but it won’t bring success. If you want to be respected, be known for honesty. Whether you like it or not, people will respect you, and you will succeed.

2. You act like you know everything.

The older I get, the more I realize I still have much to learn. And that’s how it should be. But if you feel like you already know enough, you’re standing still or dying, because at that point, development becomes impossible, which means success becomes impossible too.

The average CEO reads over 50 books a year, and that’s just a fraction of the knowledge they absorb. If you want to succeed, acknowledge that you don’t know enough and never stop learning.

3. You prefer to nap rather than work.

There’s a saying, “If a man doesn’t work, he shouldn’t eat.” Hard work brings success, but avoiding work hinders success. If you want to continue on the upward path, use everything it takes to get there. Work now, rest later.

4. You don’t respect authority figures.

We’re not talking about respecting authority abuse, but when it comes to achieving your goals, you should understand that how you treat people in power over you has a significant impact on your future. Children may be cheeky, but winners show respect.

5. You forgive all your mistakes.

Mistakes and failures are an inevitable part of your journey to success. While justifying your mistakes may have seemed like a good idea when you were 12, doing so as an adult prevents you from learning and growing.

“Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee

6. You’re arrogant.

Most successful people will tell you that humility is a required attitude. After all, arrogance usually precedes some form of folly. Arrogance may win you the throne at the prom, but it won’t give you an edge in real life. If you want to succeed, reject arrogance.

7. You don’t listen.

As a child, I remember my mom telling me not to ride my bike without a helmet, and my first boss telling me not to mix chemicals while cleaning equipment. I ignored both and sometimes faced the consequences. As an adult, if you don’t listen, people notice. Ignoring others may not land you in the hospital, but it sends a message that you don’t value them, and value is a two-way street.

8. You blame.

Blaming siblings or classmates may have helped you avoid discipline as a child, but when it comes to being an adult, personal responsibility is the key to growth. Don’t shift blame, but instead look for ways you can take responsibility for your actions. Personal responsibility is a hallmark of leadership.

9. You shouldn’t admit that you’re scared.

If you’re scared every day, you’re not pushing yourself far enough. Success requires stepping outside the comfort of routine and sometimes taking a leap into the unknown. But if you’re terrified, don’t hesitate to admit your fear. Once you identify it, you can conquer it.

10. You think you can do it alone.

Very few successful leaders believe they achieved success alone. Even fewer people achieve success solo. If you want to reach the furthest limits of success, understand the value of teams – mentors, cheerleaders, and everyone in between.

11. You can’t collaborate well with others.

The arrogance and autonomy of immaturity often make it difficult for us to effectively participate in teams. However, besides helping us move forward, teamwork highlights our strengths and weaknesses. If you can’t collaborate well with others, it shows the world you’re uncertain, and when you’re uncertain, success evades you like the plague.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

12. Competition is so destructive for you that it becomes harmful.

In some cases, competition is healthy and promotes motivation. However, if you find yourself competing in an unhealthy way with others, it may be time to reassess your attitude. When winning at any cost is all that matters, losing becomes unacceptable, which can lead to various problems


13. You can’t accept constructive criticism.

Nobody is perfect, and if you want to improve, you should be open to feedback – even if it’s hard to hear. If you can’t accept constructive criticism, it means you’re insecure and unwilling to grow.

14. You have a closed mind.

If you’re not open to new ideas, you’re missing out on opportunities for growth. When you have a closed mind, you confine yourself to a narrow worldview and miss out on the chance to broaden your horizons.

15. You always have to be right.

There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with someone who always has to be right. Not only is it annoying, but it also demonstrates a lack of humility and unwillingness to see other points of view. If you want to succeed, learn to admit when you’re wrong.

16. You’re not mindful.

If you want to succeed, be mindful. Pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of what’s happening around you.
You want to learn more about MINDFULNESS? Check out my book on this subject MINDFULNESS – The Path to Liberation.

Success requires more than just talent – it also requires hard work, determination, maturity, and perseverance. If you want to succeed, make sure you have the right mindset. Be open to learning new things, collaborating with others, and accepting constructive criticism.

Always remember, it’s never too late to learn!

Check out my motivational-business book “The Effective ME”, which can help you develop efficiency.
The Effective ME