Guayusa – What Is It? Properties, Usage, Benefits of Use

Guayusa - Ilex Guayusa

Guayusa – What Is It? Properties, Usage, Benefits of Use

Guayusa is one of the most interesting types of herbal beverages in the world. This tea contains enough caffeine to stimulate the body for better performance. The infusion is particularly popular in South America, where it originates from. For the inhabitants of Ecuador, guayusa is a sacred plant of exceptional significance. This article focuses primarily on the origin of guayusa, its properties, usage, and the benefits of use.

Where Does Guayusa Actually Come From?

The original guayusa comes from South America, where it is still considered a sacred plant. Its botanical name is Ilex guayusa, and in practice, it is a type of holly. In Ecuador, this plant can usually be found on small, family plantations. At first glance, the leaves resemble Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis), although their edge is slightly less serrated.

Although Western civilization discovered guayusa relatively recently, indigenous tribes of the Amazon have been enjoying this plant for centuries. In the past, they used it mainly to increase their alertness and concentration, especially during work that required more intense activity. The beverage made from the leaves of the shrub also showed stimulating properties. This is why the term “night watchman” can be encountered, as drinking guayusa did not allow one to fall asleep until late at night.

Today, the leaves of this extraordinary South American tea are sold mainly because of their caffeine content. Due to their support for energy flow in the human body, guayusa can be an attractive alternative to coffee and energy drinks. Unlike the mentioned sources of caffeine, guayusa infusion releases energy a bit more slowly. This prevents a sudden decrease in power, which may occur after consuming coffee or energy drinks.

What does a beverage made from guayusa taste like? Primarily, to prepare the infusion, dried and crushed leaves are used. The taste of the drink is naturally delicate, devoid of bitterness, with an earthy flavor and a slightly sweet finish.

Guayusa - Ilex Guayusa

Guayusa Properties – Is Drinking Tea Healthy?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the nutrients contained in guayusa leaves. The composition of microelements can contribute to a number of positive properties resulting from the consumption of the infusion. This primarily concerns the high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids. Moreover, one should not forget about the presence of theobromine, which is also an important component of cocoa beans. This organic chemical compound is said to be responsible for improving our mood and disposition.

Of course, it is important to emphasize once again that guayusa contains caffeine. This purine alkaloid from the methylxanthine group is valued for its stimulating properties. Caffeine is released in the body, providing energy at the same time. We most often associate it with coffee beans, but it turns out that other plants can also produce it. Interestingly, not all caffeine is equal, as different types of it are metabolized differently in the body. The slower the energy is released, the better, as the risk of a sudden decrease in energy decreases.

Therefore, it is better to avoid beverages containing synthetic caffeine and excessive caffeine content. Guayusa, like Japanese matcha, does not cause a sudden increase in energy. Instead, it does so gradually, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of caffeine consumption longer. Thanks to this, it can be said that this plant is a healthy alternative to “black coffee”.

Organic Ilex Guayusa Tea from
Organic Ilex Guayusa Tea from

Guayusa and Potential Health Benefits of Consumption

The presence of micro-nutrients such as antioxidants, amino acids, and theobromine contributes to increased interest in guayusa. Research is being conducted around the world, indicating that regular consumption contributes to reducing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. The caffeine content, on the other hand, is associated with the possibility of supporting fat loss, which is useful for users in the context of weight loss.

In the scientific world, there is still a lack of reliable research on guayusa to define its specific health benefits. Some of the available articles are based more on the history of the use of this sacred plant. Therefore, we will try to present potential benefits that appear in various accounts and information about guayusa.

Roseyusa™ - Guayusa with Rose. Excellent Antioxidant from Las Szamana
Roseyusa™ – Guayusa with Rose. Excellent Antioxidant from Las Szamana

Increased Concentration and Attention

Due to the presence of caffeine in guayusa leaves, one can speak of the stimulating effects of the beverage. Studies have compared guayusa to other plants containing caffeine, indicating that a cup of this infusion contains a similar amount of alkaloid as a cup of coffee. However, compared to other types of caffeine-containing beverages, it is believed that guayusa provides mental alertness without negative side effects such as tremors or sudden energy drops.

Delaying Cell Aging Processes

Guayusa contains antioxidants, which positively affect the inhibition of cell aging processes. Thanks to antioxidants, cell oxidation throughout the body is delayed, which can lead to many serious diseases. Scientists speculate that antioxidants provide protection against cancers, diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and bacterial infections. However, research in this area is still ongoing, so antioxidants cannot be 100% linked to their alleged benefits.

Support for Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Guayusa can also have a positive impact on individuals trying to shed some extra pounds. This is due to the presence of caffeine, as mentioned earlier. Its high concentration leads to increased heart rate and thermogenic reactions. This increases the chance of faster fat burning. Caffeine is often a component of weight loss dietary supplements, but why take pills when you can use natural sources?

How to Prepare Guayusa Tea?

Guayusa tea is incredibly easy to prepare, which is why its popularity in the West is constantly growing. This beverage is perfect for warm weather, although it can also be served chilled. South American ice tea sounds quite appealing.

It is worth noting that due to its high caffeine content, it is better not to consume guayusa before bedtime. It can cause sleep problems due to the feeling of stimulation.

How to brew nutritious guayusa step by step:

  1. Put 1 teaspoon (about 2 grams) of dried leaf material directly into the cup. You can also use a tea infuser if you don’t want tea leaves at the bottom of the vessel.
  2. Pour about 200-250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Brew the drink for 5 to 7 minutes until the brew reaches the desired intensity of flavor and strength.
  4. Finally, remove the infuser or strain the drink if you want to get rid of leaf residues.

Traditionally, Amazonian shamans perform a tea brewing ceremony accompanied by folk music. They use a bamboo flute called kena and leather drums. Ritual songs accompany the ritual of preparing the brew early in the morning because tradition dictates drinking guayusa at sunrise. Meanwhile, the shamans interpret dreams from the previous night, providing their recommendations on life in the local community.